Leroy Kaelke – MTS Athlete of the Month

Leroy Kaelke - MTS Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Leroy Kaelke for being September’s Athlete of the Month!!! Leroy has been a dedicated member of the 6 am crew for almost a year now!! He has proved that the power of consistency and getting out of your comfort zone is a recipe for success. When he isn’t talking about his workouts you can find Leroy being “dictator” like at Buzbee Dental Clinic. Don’t be fooled by his soft spoken demeanor, he runs that place like a well oiled machine! One of the nicest guys you will find, and we appreciate him being a part of our gym community.

Practice Manager for Buzbee Dental

What did you do before joining MTS in regards to working out?
To be honest – Nothing

How long have you been with MTS?
Since December 2019

What’s your favorite workout/exercise at MTS?
Bench Press

What’s your least favorite workout/exercise at MTS?

How is MTS different than other methods of training you may have tried in the past?
I like the variety and different exercises each day. Having someone not only tell me the exercises but demonstrate proper form and ensure I’m doing it correctly.

How has MTS helped you attain your fitness goals or athletic endeavors?
I have lost weight and increased muscle mass. My body looks and feels completely different.

What’s your favorite cheat meal/snack?
General Chicken from Hong Kong Inn

Advice to those just starting out?
Don’t be afraid