Dr Todd Buzbee – MTS Athlete of the Month

Dr Todd Buzbee – MTS Athlete of the Month

Dr Todd Buzbee

Congratulations to “The One Armed Bandit”, Todd Buzbee on being voted January’s Athlete of the Month!! Dr. Todd underwent tricep attachment surgery in December and hasn’t missed a beat! Todd and his wife Danielle are part of the early morning crew. You may have seen him with a very cumbersome brace on his left arm doing many alternative exercises due to his injury. NO EXCUSES comes to mind when we think of Todd the last 6-8 weeks. Coming in daily is part of his lifestyle and he was determined not alter his commitment to making a better version of himself. Congratulation Todd!!


What did you do before joining MTS in regards to working out?
Weights at the Y

How long have you been with MTS?
2 years

What’s your favorite workout/exercise at MTS?

What’s your least favorite workout/exercise at MTS?
Burpee snatch / DB pullovers

How is MTS different than other methods of training you may have tried in the past?
The variety of workouts

How has MTS helped you attain your fitness goals or athletic endeavors?
They keep you on task and hold you accountable

What’s your favorite cheat meal/snack?
Pizza / ice cream sandwiches

Advice to those just starting out?
Be consistent. If your nutrition is in check the results will come.