Lauren Pozen – MTS Athlete of the Month

Lauren Pozen

Occupation: KSPR News Reporter What did you do before joining MTS in regards to working out? Nothing as fun as working out at MTS. Prior, it was very boring and predictable. Weights, little cardio. I do yoga and ride horses when I’m not at MTS. How long have you been with MTS? 4 months. What’s your favorite workout/exercise at MTS? … Read More

Elite Athlete Development Camp

Summer is just around the corner and we are excited to announce our new Elite Athlete Development Camp! This camp will focus on power, strength, and speed development for all athletes. Developing off season conditioning and athletic power will give each athlete a competitive advantage next season.
Our program teaches proper Olympic lifting, and plyometric (explosive training) techniques, combined with traditional strength movements and speed drills. To ensure proper supervision we will be limiting the number of participants for each camp.